Here you can find answers to the most common questions about Digital Reception. If you have a specific question don't listed below feel free to write us at info@futureforward.nl or call us on 0181 – 413112.

How do I register incoming visitors using Digital Reception?

Depending on what license you chose, you can do the following:

  1. Basic - you add a visitor in the CMS
  2. Professional
    • you seamlessly use your calendar (Outlook & Gmail), and add our bot email. It does the rest including email invitation use the CMS like in Basic
    • use the CMS like in Basic
  3. Enterprise - same as Professional with potentials for further integrations for your convenience
Can I use your Digital Reception with my own hardware?

It is best to use our hardware since we take care of installation and configuration for you. In case you decide to use your own hardware, it will not be covered by the standard warranties and SLA we provide.

How do visitors confirm their arrival?

Visitors can confirm they arrived in a few ways:

  1. Basic - you add a visitor in the CMS
  2. Professional
    • visitor will scan the QR code received in the invitation email
    • or use the same approach as Basic above
  3. Enterprise
    • Same as Professional with options for further integrations and access control like:
      • License plate recognition in the parking
      • Visitor pass printing
      • RFID solutions
      • Integration with access control
      • Card dispensers etc.
Can I combine Digital reception with some other software you have?

Yes, you can. We have a whole system for Wayfinding, Digital Signage and Floor maps that are seamlessly integrated with the reception.

If you were asking can we connect to some third party software, yes we can. It is a part of the Enterprise license only, we then do an investigation and provide you with a budget.

Also, our system has an API you can use within the Enterprise license.

Can we style Digital Reception according to our brand identity?

Custom branding starts from the Enterprise license, other than the logo which is a part of the Profesional one.

Is it possible to decentralize Digital Reception?

Yes, it's possible to manage all reception from one central location. You can get in contact by phone or a video call with a certain visitor. Also, when visitors have questions, they can set up a call. Isn’t that hospitality!

Can we add video calling?

Yes. We have several providers we can connect to set up these call services. Visitors will be able to press a button and will be connected to a centralized reception desk or even a particular company. This way, Digital Reception offers a personal touch!

How does Digital Reception manage visitor registration?

There will be a list of visitors in the management system, so you will know exactly who is in your building. This is mandatory in case of an emergency.

We have an idea to extend the Digital Reception software. Is that possible?

Ideas are more than welcome. You will work with our product every day so we are happy to hear any suggestions you might have. Since this is an in-house product, we are able to design the features you need and tailor the software to your business.

When we want to change the name of the company, how does that work?

A content management system within Digital Reception will make your work easier. You will be able to change anything in a split second. That’s great for flex offices!

When the visitors check in, how can they navigate?

You can include a map in your software. That way, the visitors can orient and find their destination quickly and easily. You could consider improving your space further with our floor maps (link) or wayfinding signs (link) that are seamlessly integrated within the system.

Can visitors use their smartphones to find their destination?

Yes, Digital Reception will provide them with a QR code (Enterprise license) or a simple link they can open on their mobile phone. From that moment on, they will have all the needed information right there in their pocket (or hand).

We have analog wayfinding signs and want to digitize them. Can we do this with your software?

We at Future Forward are specialists in digital wayfinding. Digital Reception could be a part of it. We provide screens that connect with the Digital Reception software. This gives you an easy way to change anything you want on every wayfinding digital sign. Did you know that we can also provide a sustainable solution? It would work like a nameboard with the company name, completely wireless and running on a battery. If you think sustainability is important and would like to try it, that is the perfect way to go! Read our blog for more information, or contact us right away!

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