How Digital Reception Visitor Management System Works
Digital Reception is your one solution for seamless visitor management. Our digital reception software comes with various standard features that are free to use. Below is an overview of how our visitor management system works.
How does the Digital Reception process look?
Digital Reception can be built according to your company's needs and fit almost any situation. Here's an example of how professional Digital Reception works:
Appointment Creation: Create an appointment in the Outlook/Gmail calendar and invite your visitors by entering their email addresses. Include the digital reception email among the invitees.
Visitor Notification: The Digital Reception will automatically send your invitee an email with a unique QR code and PIN (code).
Check-in process: The Digital Reception welcomes visitors and asks them to check in by pressing the check-in button or scanning the QR code if the scanner is available.
Smart Visitor Check-In: The Digital Reception welcomes your visitors and asks them to check in by pressing the check-in button. The Digital Reception will then request the QR code or PIN code the visitor received via email. If the visitor does not have a code, they enter their full name, email address, and phone number (optionally) and choose the person they are visiting. The application will generate a new, one-of-a-kind code for them.
Check-in Confirmation: The visitor has been checked in! You will be notified immediately by the chosen method, such as email, SMS, or telephone call, of your visitor's arrival.
Check-Out Process: When leaving the building, the visitor presses the check-out button and either scans the QR code, types the PIN code, or manually enters the name and checks out.
Delivery Notifications: Package or meal deliverers do not require a code. They select the appropriate person on the screen to notify about a meal or parcel delivery. You will be notified immediately upon their arrival.
Customize your Digital Reception
By now, you should have a better understanding of our standard functionalities. However, you can have the custom visitor management system tailored specifically to your company or organization so that it aligns perfectly with your working processes. Let's get in touch to discuss all the possibilities.
Professional Support
During your digital journey, we will completely unburden you! We will solve any problems that arise and answer all of your questions along the way. We will assist you in getting the most out of the visitor check-in software.
Privacy & Security
Privacy is essential! We implement standards to safeguard the process of digitalizing your visitor registration. The GDPR and other regulations ensure that all app functions and data are secure. Store your data as agreed with us, all encrypted and safe.
Your Digital Front Desk with a Personal Touch
Tailor-Made Reception Digitally to Fit Your Organization?!
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* We use this information only to contact you. We do not use your personal information for any other purpose or share it with third parties. To learn more about collecting and protecting personal data, read our Privacy Policy.